Configure docker and launch container using ansible

Dhiraj Kumar
3 min readJan 9, 2021

In this post, i have created automation using ansible . I have created playbook for configure docker engine and launch new container.

Ansible: Ansible is an open source software , which is used in automation . Ansible is used in provisioning , configuration management , Application deployment , continuous delivery, security automation, orchestration.

In ansible two methods can be used to complete any in target node.

  1. Ad-hoc and 2. Playbook

Ad-hoc is nothing but command which is used to do job according to user .

Ansible supports YAML language , YAML language is used to create playbook for automation.

For install ansible use below command:

#In Linux OS
pip3 install ansible

Ansible is an agentless software , in ansible controller node manage target node using SSH protocol . For this first of it is necessary to decide manage node in controller node . For configure target node inventory file is created .

For configure ansible edit file “/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg”

In this file it have to mention the inventory file and edit this file according to below

host_key_checking = false

Edit inventory file as below

After doing all setup create playbook for configure docker


- hosts: mywebtasks:
- command: "ls -l /dvd"
register: x
ignore_errors: yes
- file:
state: directory
path: "/dvd"
when: x.rc != 0
- mount:
src: "/dev/cdrom"
path: "/dvd"
state: mounted
fstype: "iso9660"
- yum_repository:
name: "docker"
description: "docker repo for package"
gpgcheck: no
- command: "rpm -q docker-ce"
register: y
ignore_errors: yes
- command: "yum install docker-ce --nobest -y"
when: y.rc != 0
- command: "systemctl status docker"
register: docker_status
ignore_errors: yes
- command: "systemctl start docker"
when: docker_status.rc != 0
- command: "systemctl enable docker"
when: docker_status.rc != 0
- pip:
name: "docker-py"
- docker_container:
name: "mycontainer"
state: started
image: httpd
restart: yes
- "1235:80"
- /mywebdata:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/
register: c
- template:
dest: "/mywebdata"
src: "index.html"
- firewalld:
masquerade: yes
state: enabled
permanent: yes
immediate: yes

After creating playbook run below cmd to do all tasks in target

ansible-playbook docker.yml

when playbook is run then task is done on those target node which is power on and there is connection setup between controller node and target node.



Dhiraj Kumar

Expertise on Cloud Computing who has helped many startups to reduce cloud cost upto 40% based on business need. Focused to optimize development process.