Big data in world-problems and benefits(How to manage Big data).

The quantities , character and singles on which operations performed by computer is known as data . When data is storing in huge and operation is done by computer on huge data then Big data concepts comes . Which occurs many problem in storing , searching and analyzing the data , but big data have many benefits buisseness purpose and in machine learning and deep learning also huge data is required for trained model for better accuracy.
Example of Big data:
In todays world every age group person are using social accounts . That’s why data is generating per day in huge amount.According to survey of Forbes , In 2018 , over the last two years 90% of the data was generated in world wide.
Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average , which translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide.This is data is not overall searches in worldwide . 77% of searches of world wide is done on google. In world wide over 5 billion searches are done in one day.

According to data never sleeps 7.0
On youtube 4500000 videos are watched by user in every minutes
In uber users takes 9772 rides per minutes.
On tinder 1400000 swipes are done by users per minutes.
On instagram users post 55140 photos and 277777 stories per minute.
According to statista facebook have 2603 million active users and approx 500+ terabytes data stores each day . Facebook is the largest social media plattform
Most popular social networks worldwide as of July 2020, ranked by number of active users(in millions)

These are the huge data , there is more complex in storing , searching and analyzing.
Characteristics of Big data:

Velocity ,volume and variety are the main characteristics of Big data .Where volume stands for size of data ,velocity stands for speed of storing and searching of Big data where as variety stands for type of data , that it is pdf , image, audio video types of data.
When huge amount of data is storing in any company then there is first problem is of storage capacity and other problem is , when i need data in future then it will takes more time to get , because amount of data is huge .
For run any programme in OS there is need of Software. For development of software required supporting programming language . software contain many file that file is stored in storage device for run or execute that programme ,it is necessary to upload on RAM , when any programme file is uploaded on RAM, then it is known as Process . It takes some some time to upload on RAM to use it . When data is short then it is done in less time , but when Big data comes in then it is very difficult to use fast it will takes more time .

EX:- Facebook stores 500+ terabytes data each day ,2.7 billion like actions , 300 million photos per day and it scans 105 terabyte data each half hour. No doubtly it is huge data and it can takes hours or day in storing or scanning data . More big problem is about storage , first of all it is difficult to manufacture storage device of such big amount ,it will be more big in size and there is one problem is that many user needs to see his/her uploaded photo in future parallel then it is difficult to scan and show data fast as required using traditional aproach . Then distributed storage concept comes in role.

Distributed storage concept is used by all company , which required big data analysis . For distributed storage concept Master-Slave model is used , in which there is one master and many more slaves are used , which gives service to master as storage device RAM and CPU .
In Master-Slave model , when master is worked as server on which data is stored but data is not stored in master in original size , first create many small part of data then store it in all slave in parallel time , due to this in very less time all data is stored due to this velocity is increased of storing data . And many slave is used for storage also due to which there is no problem of Volume(amount of storage device). In Mater-Slave model, master becomes more powerful having huge amount of RAM, CPU and storage device, due to service is given by slave.
For creating Master-Slave model Hadoop is used , in Master-Slave model HDFS is used .

Benefits of Big data:
Using the data of google search , and other social platform business strategy can be create , decision can make what user want in market.
Customer service can be improved using Big data .