Clever Ways to Reduce Infrastructure Costs Without Sacrificing EfficiencyToday, we are going to focus on the key points to make your business profitable. I have discussed five important points to consider in…May 27, 2024May 27, 2024
Things must be adopted to run your business in profitableToday in this post, i am going to highlight on 5 things which is underrated and ignored by most entrepreneurs . During my professional…May 13, 2024May 13, 2024
RDS Autoscaling using AWS lambdaThis post outlines the process of cost optimization in AWS cloud, i have introduced the autoscaling of RDS instance class to optimize the…May 11, 20241May 11, 20241
Store environmental variable in Nodejs Application Securely.Every Developer and DevOps Engineer needs to take care how to secure Application and Infrastructure so that there is no chance of cyber…Oct 9, 2022Oct 9, 2022
Configure kubernetes cluster using ansible roleAnsible is an opensource software, which is used for configuration management . Ansible is written in python language, it supports YAML…May 7, 2021May 7, 2021
Setup system for pinging to only google not facebookNetworking is the process by which IT resources are connected for transfer data among each other frequently without getting any error .Jan 14, 2021Jan 14, 2021
Networking, setup star topology network systemNetworking is the process by which IT resources are connected for transfer data among each other frequently without getting any error .Jan 13, 2021Jan 13, 2021
Configure Web server and Load balancer using Ansible on ec2 instanceWeb server: A computer which gives service to host the website for real world is known as web server , i have configured apache software…Jan 13, 2021Jan 13, 2021
Configure Web Server and Load Balancer using Ansible in Redhat Linux OSA computer which gives service to host the website for real world is known as web server , i have configured apache software on OS for use…Jan 12, 2021Jan 12, 2021
Configure wordpress on ec2 instances using RDS serviceIn Aws many services are available, for computing power EC2 service is used . Using EC2 service instance is launched which have OS…Jan 11, 2021Jan 11, 2021
Configure hadoop cluster using ansibleIn this post, i have created automation using ansible.I have created a playbook for configure hadoop clusterJan 9, 2021Jan 9, 2021
Configure docker and launch container using ansibleIn this post, i have created automation using ansible . I have created playbook for configure docker engine and launch new container.Jan 9, 2021Jan 9, 2021
Simple ChatApp using UDP in pythonIn this blog chatApp is created using UDP protocol in python language . In this chatApp server and client both are working parallel .Jan 9, 2021Jan 9, 2021
Ansible and use case solved using ansibleAnsible is an open source software , which is used in automation . Ansible is used in provisioning , configuration management …Jan 2, 2021Jan 2, 2021
Integration of EC2,ebs S3 and CloudFront in AwsAws(amazon web services) provides cloud computing services to the user .Nov 7, 2020Nov 7, 2020
Aws services using CLIAws(amazon web services) provides cloud computing services to the user .Nov 1, 2020Nov 1, 2020
How MNCs are using AI for businessArtificial intelligence is concept by which computer is trained and made intelligence to work same as human mind . Machine learning is a…Oct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020
Big data in world-problems and benefitsThe quantities , character and singles on which operations performed by computer is known as data . When data is storing in huge and…Sep 16, 2020Sep 16, 2020
Job on dynamic slave in jenkinsJenkins: jenkins is the devops tool which helps to automation of projects , by which projects are tracked and done automatically. jenkins…Sep 10, 2020Sep 10, 2020